I remember quite distinctly several surprises which have occurred over the years.
Surprises about a particular skill or ability possessed by someone I knew. That is, I knew the person but didn't know about the talent.
An uncle who had the ability to have played the guitar professionally, but I never knew until I was late teens. A friend who over 30 years ago shocked me by sitting at the piano and playing beautifully. I still recall it vividly. Another acquaintance who despite his short and somewhat stocky build astounded me on the basketball court with skills that belied his physique and I never would have guessed.
Recently I added another to my, "I never would have guessed" list.
If you are so inclined, MY BLOG LIST on the right side of this page shows one blog entitled, From Under My Hat.
I highly suggest you scroll down the page about 1/2 way and read a couple of these:
The Woodshed story begins with "The evening air.."
The Eagle begins "Grandad, are you awake?"
A few nights before Christmas begins "It's very quiet..."
If you enjoy these writings only 1/2 as much as I, it will be worth your time.
Thanks for the suggestion. Amazing!
You're welcome Tamara. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks, Eldon! I am so in love and addicted! I cannot WAIT to meet him someday!
Certainly Talisha. I've enjoyed reading those stories too and wish I could write half as well. Perhaps you'd like to read my only serious attempt to tell a story and with some terrific editing by Kamela, it turned out pretty good by my standards.
Very nicely done, Eldon! I love a story that makes me feel what the author is in that moment--I could almost smell the frost on the leaves! And I LOVED the squirrel metropolis! :) You should try another...I'd read it.
Have enjoyed your blog and pictures you post. Following your advice, I went to "From Under My Hat" to take a quick peak. An hour later, I was still reading! Of course, I recognized Kevin from Blackwater, but don't know him personally. I appreciate good writing so I hope both of you continue to provide! Thank you.
David Alumbaugh
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