Sunday, January 6, 2013

Update from last March

Last winter/spring I posted some photos and updates from the new entryway.  In March, I did a blog showing some photos of the exterior in its final construction stages. Entry from outside

The interior views never made it into a blog.  Perhaps it's not too late to remedy that.

Above is a daylight view and below is later in the evening with lights on.

The blue trim on right side of photo and partly across the top is where the exterior wall was located prior to the remodel.

We wanted to avoid making the 9x12 addition look like a box thrown on the front of the house so we
installed 6 windows.  This corner lets in morning light and gives us a view of Main Street.

Opposite is another nook that holds a couple windows and lets in afternoon sun.

1 comment:

Kamela said...

I LOVE the entryway! Gooooood job!