Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring Turkey

Unfortunately, I have to keep the "turkey" in my title singular due to Mr. Tom keeping his distance despite my dogged efforts to arrange a meeting.

Fortunately, Don worked out an early morning, opening-day arrangement with a 22-23 lb gobbler and secured his first non-grocery store turkey. Here he is strolling down the hill with his catch near where I was hunting.

Good job!

Look at the turkey's head and they are on the ugly side I suppose.
But their feathers are beautiful and even more colorful than this photo indicates.

Since you can't shoot a hen in the spring, the only shooting I could do was with my camera. The bird in front is my decoy and the one in back is the real one.
(In case there is some confusion here)

These two jakes (1 year old toms) were close enough to shoot but I thought a tom was nearby so I didn't pull the trigger. The tom never showed himself so...
At least I got a photo.

Since Don was done hunting, he had time to fish.
His second cast yielded this nice large mouth bass.

As well as some crappie.
Dad headed to the lake also and pulled in a few to add to the collection. They tasted great for supper after a full day outdoors.