Since last December when Don & I made a trip to S. Dakota pheasant hunting we've been planning to have a wild game dinner sometime. We finally made good on our plans and here are some photos from last Saturday.
Brenda and Leann setting the table for 13.
Leann had a very nice fall theme and things look mighty impressive. Hopefully the chefs will be up to the task at hand. Several recipes for tonight's meal have never been tried before and it would be a shame to have things looking so exquisite and then be let down.
First, some appetizers. Don diced pheasant breast for dipping in Teriyaki sauce or egg batter and cracker crumbs then stuck in the fondue pot. Or in the background you'll see some "Pheasant Poppers" which is pheasant with jalapeno peppers wrapped in bacon and grilled. Don thought these would be delectable and so did I but it was the ladies we had to convince!
So as Don (
above) looks on wondering what will happen, Leann studies her first bite...
and thinks about what it might taste like! Since I don't have a photo AFTER she ate the first morsel, let's just say that was the first of several she ate and she traded this look (
below) for something much more pleasant!
Our first dish was an oriental pheasant salad. Brenda fixed this and it was a hit. I have the recipe if anyone wants to give it a try :)
Next we had a serving of Barb's venison chili. First time I'd had it and hopefully not the last time.
In the spirit of the wild game theme, Barb also fixed some "Monkey" bread. Great idea! It too was delicious.
Don is preparing to dig into the main course which was pheasant a la creme over buttered noodles and stir fried rabbit & vegetables with rice. Yum!
Now for desert! What Don has going here in his cast iron dutch oven is a berry cobbler. Key ingredients? Berries and cake mix! Majorly key ingredient? Butter! (used unsparingly)
Anyway, the heat is on although you can't tell it so much with this flash photo.
With the flash off though, you can tell things are cooking!
Augmented with ice cream and ready to serve.
I understand this is camping fare when Don & family go camping. No doubt this is part of the reason his family enjoys camping so much...
Finally, although Marina and I don't have all the crumbs off our face yet, we thought you should know just how much we enjoyed the evening!